Friday, September 18, 2009


A single, glittering tear escaped, and

my eyes, shiny hot like glass in the sun,

were brimming with the promise of more to come.

When they broke through the gates,

those prisoners of my composure ran wild.

I've never felt more like a child.

Then something broke in you.

I could feel it in your grasp;

a quiet change that came too fast.

After that, everything was different.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I'm good with words.
They get thrown at me,
I process them, and respond accordingly,
like passing ball back and forth.

Words are a game.

When it comes to words, I have nerves of steel.
I can handle anything.
But when you look at me like that,
or any way, actually,
I can't process, I can't think.
I'm consumed by something uncomfortably real.

You're forcing me to feel,
and suddenly I can't

remember my name,

and the bile my thinking brain was holding in
bubbles and rises and spills out, chagrined,
and it's all laid out, jumbled
in words I never intended to say.
Words that don't mean anything at all.
Words that are stand-ins for the ones I can't bear to share.

So whatever garbled message you get in response
to all your smiles and looks and the sparkle in your eye
is the closest thing to the truth that you will ever pry
out of me.